Insurance News for Real People

Time to hunt for a flat, get some insurance too!

Time to hunt for a flat, get some insurance too!

 We hear regularly about the challenges of Dunedin student flats, expecially for those students about to start the year and are flat hunting.

If you're renting, you need to have some level of contents cover. Ideally, it is enough to replace your possessions but, more importantly, cover damage you may be liable for.

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Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

 Something we get asked about from time to time.

From what we have seen and heard it's needed, as the treatment for your beloved pet is often more expensive than your own medical treatments.

We have access to assist with the PetCover range of products, and our clients have had a good experience with them so far. At the same time, we're not specialists in the area, and seeking additional information and experience with your vet is a good place to start.

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Immigrating to New Zealand

Immigrating to New Zealand

 Congratulations on your choice to move to New Zealand!

We may just about be the farthest country from just about anywhere on the planet, but it is the best country in the world.

If you have just stepped off the boat or you have been here for a while, you are probably in for a bit of culture shock. While things here often look the same as home, they are just a bit different.

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Who's going to help pay for my mental health treatment?

Who's going to help pay for my mental health treatment?

Mental Health - Not so much the resources but the funding

Since Covid hit we have seen a marked incraes in people's awareness of mental health and the distinct lack of support we have in the general community.

As an adviser, mental health comes up in discussion on a regular basis. Be it working through an existing application, discussing the terms of cover an insurance company has offered or dealing with a claim.

This prompted me to have a closer look at what services are available and what funding and financial support for mental health exists for you, if you need it.

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Getting your insurance planning right

Getting your insurance planning right


As an adviser, there are few things more challenging than sitting across the table from someone who has just been given the news they have bowel cancer asking “So tell me how is my plan going to work?”

When it comes down to it the right policy is only half of the solution. In this situation not only did we put the plan in place, when it has come to this point we have it right, exactly how they want it.

When we say we put our clients front and centre, we mean it. After answering ‘that’ question above, not only has our client taken the time to say thank you for persevering, they took the time to write the following.

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Financial advice. What it looks like and how it can affect you

Financial advice. What it looks like and how it can affect you


When it comes to financial advice, and sales in general, there are typically five approaches that sales people take.

  1. Ideal world
  2. Client budget
  3. Average first
  4. Replace with cheaper
  5. Next step

We are firmly an ideal world advisory firm, as we like to consider ourselves advisers, rather than just sales people. 

Sales people sell stuff; we collaboratively weave you a risk protection plan that is driven by your desired outcomes.

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Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

If you are looking for the '13% level of funding in New Zealand' Article, it's moved here due to some changes with our web software, if not, read on ;)

An estimated one in four New Zealanders will at some point suffer from anxiety during their life according to the Mental Health Foundation. As the most commonly diagnosed mental health condition in our country, anxiety is also a condition many people do not seek medical assistance with. Yet excessive anxiety can cause significant disruptions to the life of an individual, making early recognition and treatment essential.

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With my insurance, How quickly can funds become available?

With my insurance, How quickly can funds become available?


Often this is a question about 'Am I protected?' The person is looking for reassurance that the insurance they have taken and have been paying for is going to work.

It is also a very practical question.

If you have been relying on your recently deceased partner's income to pay the bills, it is a really valid question.

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What are your aspirations this year?

What are your aspirations this year?


It is that time of year, its fresh and new and the possibilities await!

My question to you is what are you going to do different to ensure you achieve the things you want?

Someone somewhere has said, "To repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity." So what are you going to do to avoid the insanity of repeating the last few years?

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Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning

Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning


They say all is fair in love and war. 

And it was first said by Miguel de Cervantes who made the comparison in 1604 in Don Quixote when he wrote, "Love and war are all one . . . Which was translated from the original Spanish used.

Variations have been used since, though it was not until 1850 that we saw the exact phrasing we know today.

Frank Smedley wrote in his novel, Frank Fairlegh: Scenes from the Life of a Private Pupil:

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Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover


Continuing from the previous blog on breast cancer claims, we are going to get a bit technical and dive much deeper into what today's policy wordings say about cancer definitions.  

We did something similar on heart attack definitions a couple of months ago, though this is significantly longer. I am going do something I have not seen in a blog, add an appendix!

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Continued Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Continued Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Continuing from our previous post on the primary cancer benefit definitions we cover the early or less severe stages of a cancer claim with these definitions. If you want to read the main article, you can read that here first

Partial or Early Cancer Benefits

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What's the number one issue that impacts your financial well being?

What's the number one issue that impacts your financial well being?


What’s the one major issue people have that forces people to rely on their insurance plan?

No, not the latest iPhone or episode of Game of Thrones or Pokemon, it is their health! Though Pokemon is proving to be a factor for some!

The problem is we are so focused on being entertained that we have forgotten to focus on the things that really matter.

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