Insurance News for Real People

Are you being picked out of the crowd?

Are you being picked out of the crowd?

With increased awareness and understanding of scams and data breaches, people are increasingly concerned about protecting their data. 

We've seen an increasing number of people, some well-educated and working in financial services, being taken for large amounts of cash through unwitting scams or just plain fraud.

If the people who should know better are getting taken in on these things, what chance do you have?

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Business networking

Business networking

Often said in business 'You need to get out there and network!' The problem with this statement is it is not that helpful for those who haven't done it before. 

In a recessionary market, the way forward is to get out there and market, not retrench and pull back. "When in Hell, don't stop! Keep going." often attributed to Winston Churchill 

Yes, you may have been to a conference or two, but if you haven't been in a sales or relationship role previously, networking can be daunting, especially when you're trying to get your new venture off the ground. 

Great idea, product or service. You're busy getting going, so adding more to the load isn't easy to contemplate. Even if you've been in business for a while, you need new or more contacts, but you're not sure how or where to spend your time.

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The unreasonable bias of the medical system

The unreasonable bias of the medical system

Where do I start with this? There are so many things wrong that it's not easy to pick on one thing.

Having been involved with life, disability, and medical insurance for over two decades I've seen a thing or two.

Just to quantify what I'm talking about before I launch into a ranting tirade about our medical system from some middle aged stale pale male, let's have a look at what I have seen more recently.

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Payment security - fraud that goes on without your involvement.

Payment security - fraud that goes on without your involvement.

Janine Starks has recently highlighted issues with the way banks are operating mobile payment services, and it's a bit scary.

Back in Feb 2023, Janine published this article outlining the problem; overseas and not here, most won't have taken any notice

However, more recently, there have been cases where New Zealand account holders have been ripped off using the same approach.

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Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

 Something we get asked about from time to time.

From what we have seen and heard it's needed, as the treatment for your beloved pet is often more expensive than your own medical treatments.

We have access to assist with the PetCover range of products, and our clients have had a good experience with them so far. At the same time, we're not specialists in the area, and seeking additional information and experience with your vet is a good place to start.

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Gender Dysphoria and Medical Insurance

Gender Dysphoria and Medical Insurance

It's well known that gender identity issues have fallen under the scope of mental health. The recent media activity around the subject has brought it into mainstream awareness.

From 1 January 2020, the WHO updated their ICD (International Classification of Disease) to version 11 and put it online with exciting changes.

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Diabetes the deeper understanding 

Diabetes the deeper understanding 

Having been an adviser for 10 years and in the industry for over 20, it's not often I come across things with insurance that I haven't seen before.

And while diabetes in the insurance realm is nothing new, it has typically focused on the top-level diagnosis for underwriting rather than the reality people are going through. 

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Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Yes, you've heard it before, you should have medical insurance and income protection. Well here's a story of exactly why you need to consider insurance cover.

Your life may depend on it.

We have a client who has had ongoing issues with immunity for some time. They have the cover and have been able to access treatment in a reasonably timely way.

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Why Financial Advice is not 'Free'

Why Financial Advice is not 'Free'

One of the biggest misconceptions in the New Zealand financial services market is the perception that advice is free. It isn't. Someone somewhere pays for it.

We have seen the investment market move away from commission and high percentage-based fees on investment product to advice fees. Also, to a degree, the mortgage broking industry has where the provider doesn't pay them a commission.

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The flu and flu vaccines

The flu and flu vaccines

I think it's crucial that we better understand vaccines and especially the flu vaccine.

Myth number 1. The flu vaccine prevents you from getting the Flu.

No, it doesn't. It prevents you from developing a full-blown case of the Flu, and its complications. You may not realise you have had an infection at all because the immunity created by the vaccine has been effective in activating your immune system to deal with it.

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Buying life insurance on emotion; yes, everyone does!

Buying life insurance on emotion; yes, everyone does!

Do you buy on emotion or do you consider the relevant details before buying?

The majority of people buy their insurance based on emotion and then struggle to get what they need at claim time when the harsh reality of the facts gets applied.

We've all heard about Lime Scooters and the media beat up about them, I call it a beat up as all of the stories have lacked any contrast, and they have focused on beating up the innovation and change from the status quo.

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To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, it is your choice

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, it is your choice

This one has been rolling around in my head for some time. And with the more recent World Health Organisation statement that vaccine hesitancy is one of the top 10 global health risks, it's worth saying most of the rhetoric on vaccines are both overblown and entirely out of whack with the reality of the research.

What we do know is medicine in all of its wisdom isn't always right, and science is never 100% certain. And people outside these professions and disciplines don't always appreciate and understand this.

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That dirty word, Commission

That dirty word, Commission

Seems defending ourselves is becoming the default position across most industries.

Where we have the misaligned, aggrieved and just plain biased, coming out of the woodwork.

While I get that there is an opportunity for people to have their say with the upcoming changes in the financial services legislation, some of what is coming out is so left field as to be based back in the ‘70’s when they last interacted with a life insurance adviser. Things have changed.

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The growing argument to decriminalise drug use

The growing argument to decriminalise drug use

If you are like me, you have likely grown up with the view that drug use was something both criminal and for others. Especially for those selling and pushing the drugs.

Moreover, for the ones producing and selling controlled substances, yes, throw the book at them. For the users, however, my view is changing.

Don't misunderstand me, I have had my fair share of it being used around me over the years, but it has never been my thing.

We are seeing more and more evidence that medicinal marijuana has a place in the management and treatment of chronic long-term conditions. That I agree with and it is one that needs both a closer look and a faster response.

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