Wellness is my theme for the first quarter.
So how did you go?
How did your new year's resolution to improve your life this year go?
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Wellness is my theme for the first quarter.
So how did you go?
How did your new year's resolution to improve your life this year go?
Here we are, 2018! Happy New Year!
One of the consistent things we have heard over the last few years is 'I cannot wait for this year to end; it has been the worst'.
Which is interesting as some of the people we have heard this from have said this every year for the last few years.
Someone close to me recently attempted suicide. Here is the letter I wrote to them following this. And I’d like to write to you, and anyone who may be feeling low right now.
Hey, I know you're feeling crap on so many levels right now.
You're feeling like a failure; a burden on everyone, you're embarrassed, you feel like you've let everyone down, you feel worthless, frustrated, isolated, sad, alone, angry, and deflated, all at once.
Stress. We live with it and many of us can’t live without it. It has that canny ability to follow us wherever we go. Work, home or school, stress builds a kind of tower, adding one more bit on the top until it gets so high it falls over. Then when that happens, we start suffering the effects of poor physical and mental health. That’s often the time when we decide it’s time to de-stress.
Insurance comes in many colours and not just the colours used by the insurance companies.
Though blues and greens tend to prevail with the providers and red has a smattering with a couple. Funny enough black does not feature too much in the mix for some obvious reasons.
Insurance, particularly life insurance is often a dark subject. Why invite it in by talking about it is often a very natural human response. I do not want black and grey in my life; I want bright colour, light and sunshine.
For many, it is about getting the kids to school and you to work. There are going to be some goals along the way and Christmas is coming again.
It is that time of year, its fresh and new and the possibilities await!
My question to you is what are you going to do different to ensure you achieve the things you want?
Someone somewhere has said, "To repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity." So what are you going to do to avoid the insanity of repeating the last few years?
What’s the one major issue people have that forces people to rely on their insurance plan?
No, not the latest iPhone or episode of Game of Thrones or Pokemon, it is their health! Though Pokemon is proving to be a factor for some!
The problem is we are so focused on being entertained that we have forgotten to focus on the things that really matter.
Over the phone and online insurance deals make it easy to buy insurance……but there are some pitfalls.
Guest blog from insurance advice.nz
You know those daily deal websites? Now even insurance is being offered cheaply on them. So it may make you wonder whether you may as well grab one of these deals, rather than organising to meet with an adviser. In this article we take a look at why you should at least consider engaging an adviser to help you with your insurance.
The following is a school speech my youngest daughter delivered recently. I'm proud of her position and writing on this, all herself and a quite mature view from a 15 year old.
The speech was marked as a Merit overall for NCEA 1 and the writing as an Excellence. I felt it was worth sharing. Financial literacy is an area, us kiwi's, haven't had a great deal of success with.
Something we are told about, and sometimes think about, but do we actually take the time to do?
I was browsing the Pak'nSave website planning this weeks grocery trip, and came across a section of their website that frankly, is just good advice. Not financial advice, though there is a link to budgeting services if you need it, good advice on better managing your money when it comes to the weekly shopping spend.
This question gets asked from time to time, and the simple answer is to help people. Which often gets a 'say what' sort of look, then 'but you sell insurance?' Yup, that's what I do.
Those in the industry understand my answer intimately, those outside often don't understand it so much.
The reserve bank has released their latest update on the cash rate and dropped it earlier than expected.
Some have suggested that this was expected by economists later in the year, others it's a surprise.
As an insurance adviser it is interesting watching people's behaviour. Most people are put off talking to an insurance adviser because they might sell them something. I'll talk about that 'something' later.
As an insurance adviser I look at the big picture and sit across a number of disciplines. Insurance is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, providing financial support in time of need and loss. Those times of need and loss can be wide ranging. From your possessions, to something happening to you or your family, to something happening to your business or your employees.
This is where as an adviser, I’ve sat down across the table and the eye’s have rolled, saying here we go again.
Especially 'what if you're not here?'
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