It is that time of year, its fresh and new and the possibilities await!
My question to you is what are you going to do different to ensure you achieve the things you want?
Someone somewhere has said, "To repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity." So what are you going to do to avoid the insanity of repeating the last few years?
I know the property market is not being helpful. This is not about housing. It is not about the mortgage or insurance premiums either. I have another blog on those :)
This is about life, living life, here and now.
The harsh reality of many, is they work with the expectation that retirement will be their opportunity to do the things they want to.
Unfortunately for many, their health betrays them, and they either don't make retirement, or they are so disabled they cannot do the things they aspired to do when they get there.
I have always said life is more than paying the mortgage and raising the kids. What you do with your life is also important.
Recently I have met and got to know Karen Platzer. Now many, when they meet Karen, would see someone likely retired and being a grandmother, and you are probably on the right track to a point.
What you do not see is what this feisty lady gets up to. With energy levels better than many 30 years olds, Karen has been running tours in east and southern Africa for most of her life.
Now this is not just arranging them and sending you on your way; this is getting amongst it and taking you on the tour itself.
This is really special stuff. Not backpacking across Africa in a truck, more glamping but still getting up close without the discomfort of sleeping on the ground. More on Karen's tours here www.africanencounters.co.nz, yes check it out and come back for the rest.
Karen has lost track of the number of long-haul flights she has done, given there are many in just a single year.
She does it for the love of the country, people and the animals. Something special she can share with those who join her.
What's so special and encouraging about what Karen does is this is aspirational. Many of Karen's clients are older, so they have planned well and can afford to go.
What's my point?
When talking to people about what Karen and the many other clients who run their own businesses, who are passionate about what they do, the common theme that comes through is "I would love to do that but I cannot afford it." My comment to that is why?
Why not?
From what I have seen in financial services in the last 15 years it is all a matter of attitude.
No, not risking it all but managing it better.
I have seen a family with four kids and one income of $35,000 per annum pay off a home in 8 years.
I have seen families taking annual overseas trips with modest incomes while servicing a mortgage and getting ahead there. One family has covered 175 countries to date.
It is a matter of priorities.
Is Sky TV at $135 per month necessary? That adds up over time. Yes, I have one insurer that will specifically insure Sky but not food or fuel with one of their products.
Reflecting how important entertainment has become in our homes. My question to you do you just want to be entertained or do you want to experience the world?
Some will opt for the former; that is their choice, no judgment. If you are the latter and you are struggling to put a plan together to get what you want in life, maybe it is time to give us a call!
I know Karen's trips are amazing, her reviews and feedback support it. The problem is, she is not going to run them forever.
You want to get out there and see the world, but can't seem to rub two coins together, we can help with the strategy and plan to get you there.
Talk to you soon ;)
Photo credit Karen Platzer and www.africanencounters.co.nz
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