Insurance News for Real People

My medical treatment was delayed, and I'm worse because of it

My medical treatment was delayed, and I'm worse because of it

Have you had an injury or medical event, and you have found you haven't been treated as quickly as you expected, with the result you are now living with some level of permanent impairment?

Over the years, this situation has arisen regularly, prompting some interesting responses from our medical and health systems.

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Are you being picked out of the crowd?

Are you being picked out of the crowd?

With increased awareness and understanding of scams and data breaches, people are increasingly concerned about protecting their data. 

We've seen an increasing number of people, some well-educated and working in financial services, being taken for large amounts of cash through unwitting scams or just plain fraud.

If the people who should know better are getting taken in on these things, what chance do you have?

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The unreasonable bias of the medical system

The unreasonable bias of the medical system

Where do I start with this? There are so many things wrong that it's not easy to pick on one thing.

Having been involved with life, disability, and medical insurance for over two decades I've seen a thing or two.

Just to quantify what I'm talking about before I launch into a ranting tirade about our medical system from some middle aged stale pale male, let's have a look at what I have seen more recently.

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Payment security - fraud that goes on without your involvement.

Payment security - fraud that goes on without your involvement.

Janine Starks has recently highlighted issues with the way banks are operating mobile payment services, and it's a bit scary.

Back in Feb 2023, Janine published this article outlining the problem; overseas and not here, most won't have taken any notice

However, more recently, there have been cases where New Zealand account holders have been ripped off using the same approach.

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Immigrating to New Zealand

Immigrating to New Zealand

 Congratulations on your choice to move to New Zealand!

We may just about be the farthest country from just about anywhere on the planet, but it is the best country in the world.

If you have just stepped off the boat or you have been here for a while, you are probably in for a bit of culture shock. While things here often look the same as home, they are just a bit different.

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Insuring your engagement ring

Insuring your engagement ring

Congrats! If you're reading this, you're about to embark on the next exciting but stressful stage of life: planning your wedding.

We must discuss a few things before you get carried away with planning. And they are all about risk—no, not about getting married, but about protecting things so they don't become a drama on your special day.

Yes, I know it's not something you want to consider when you've just got engaged. It's better now than later when it's too late.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Insurance Advisor

5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Insurance Advisor

You’re looking for insurance cover, be it for your life, home, income or health. You have two choices. You can use an insurance advisor to do all the hard work for you, or you could purchase straight from the insurer's website. Which one will you pick?

Obviously, we recommend that you use an insurance advisor and today we’re explaining the five most important reasons why.

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How to get your insurance claim paid, every time

How to get your insurance claim paid, every time

A question that is often asked, ‘So will the insurance company actually pay?’ Yes they do, they pay valid claims.

This is the issue, defining valid claims. Valid claims are claims that are both covered by the policy and the policyholders have been complete in their disclosure.

For example a cardiac event, similar to a heart attack, but isn’t severe enough to qualify as a heart attack under the definition of a heart attack on the trauma policy wording. This isn’t a valid claim, as it didn’t meet the definition of the policy document.

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Product research and online info, it's better right?

Product research and online info, it's better right?

I think the comments in Russell Hutchison's post linked here It's great information, but it isn't financial advice: need to be echoed far and wide, and I mean to everyone.

Research and research tools are a part of the advice piece clients need; at the same time, they are far from the single source of truth for making product decisions.

We use QPR and also Strategy Financial Services to give us a view on what the insurance product market looks like.

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Anti-Vax, or more correctly Pro-Plague

Anti-Vax, or more correctly Pro-Plague

2019 has been a tough year for the anti-vaxer, as their myopic view of the world has come home to roost. We have the most significant number of reported cases of measles worldwide since 2006.

The experience here in Auckland compounded by the tragedy that is rolling through Samoa should be evidence enough that vaccination programs are both safe and necessary.

Yet, we are still getting the keyboard warrior social trolls out en-masse defending their indefensible position. Frankly, they need to be driven back into their deep dark, cold, damp caves they came from and torched with napalm. Possibly while waving pitchforks and sharp objects on poles in their direction.

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Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Yes, you've heard it before, you should have medical insurance and income protection. Well here's a story of exactly why you need to consider insurance cover.

Your life may depend on it.

We have a client who has had ongoing issues with immunity for some time. They have the cover and have been able to access treatment in a reasonably timely way.

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Investigating the Research on Giving Melatonin for Stroke Recovery

Investigating the Research on Giving Melatonin for Stroke Recovery

Strokes, also known as cerebrovascular accidents, are one of the most sudden and unpredictable conditions we as humans can suffer from. Most of the time and with no warning, we can go from fully active and living life normally, to being bed-ridden and incontinent, or in some cases, dead.

Medical researchers and scientists have been working on identifying tools, techniques and medication which can reduce the effect strokes have on the human body. One of their findings is using the supplement melatonin. While relatively new, giving melatonin for stroke recovery is showing positive signs, and we’re going to look into these findings in depth today. We will also explain what a stroke is, plus treatment and rehabilitation too.

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How to Perform a Personal Risk Management Assessment

How to Perform a Personal Risk Management Assessment

When you apply for insurance, we as your underwriter will perform a risk management assessment on you. This looks at three key factors: what your world and health look like, and the financial aspects that make up your picture. A risk management assessment is done to help us identify the most appropriate type of insurance cover for you.

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How we catch the flu from Aussie’s cold

How we catch the flu from Aussie’s cold

While writing my last article on redundancy cover and why it should be considered, I had some additional thoughts while reading the research.  

It highlighted for the average punter, just getting on with life, that they didn't necessarily have the time, energy, or inclination, to do the research I had done. And even if they did, they may not have understood what they were seeing.

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