Insurance News for Real People

My medical treatment was delayed, and I'm worse because of it

My medical treatment was delayed, and I'm worse because of it

Have you had an injury or medical event, and you have found you haven't been treated as quickly as you expected, with the result you are now living with some level of permanent impairment?

Over the years, this situation has arisen regularly, prompting some interesting responses from our medical and health systems.

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Start up business, new year, new risks

Start up business, new year, new risks

I’ve said for many years that Kiwi's love being self-employed, and we seem to switch between employed and self-employed a lot. Some succeed, some have a change of direction, and some are about a change of situation. The point is that change is inevitable.

What will surprise you; typically, there are over 45,000 start-up businesses each year in New Zealand. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that a large number of these businesses are registered with the Companies Office early in the new year. Unfortunately, a lot of these businesses will simply fail due to cash-flow constraints. Some will be because the business isn’t sustainable, but the more likely reason is someone got injured or was prevented from working due to a disability.

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Home executives and unpaid workers - income protection

Home executives and unpaid workers - income protection

I work but don't get paid; the insurance company won't insure me.

This is probably right for disability-related benefits. Not to diminish what you do, but lots of valuable people in our community do essential things but don't get paid for it; mothers and volunteers tend to top that list.

One of the factors with this is that insurance companies insure for financial loss; with unpaid occupations, this is hard to quantify.

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Bought insurance from your bank?

Bought insurance from your bank?

We have recently seen a number of changes with bank life insurers and we now have both BNZ and Westpac life insurance administered by traditional life insurance providers. Meaning that if you have life trauma or disability products from your bank, it's time to have a closer look as it may be that we can improve what you have or reduce your premiums in ways not previously considered.

How did you get here?

We have all had ‘The would you like fries with that approach’. You are standing at the teller at the bank doing your banking and they start asking you a bunch of questions. You are here now; we can do other things for you, nice and easy. Do you have life insurance; can we help you with your mortgage? Can we invest your money or look after your Kiwisaver? Or some other variation on this.

My question is why would you take advice for your insurance or investments standing at a teller at the bank? Would you take advice for chest pains from your local cafe owner? My point is they are chalk and cheese, banking and insurance.

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Had enough of the rat race? Time to do your own thing?

Had enough of the rat race? Time to do your own thing?

Look before you leap. Aussie shopkeepers and Kiwi small business owners. Terms often used by people looking at our respective markets when looking at the predominant structures for trade and commerce.

Probably not too far wrong, New Zealand has one of the highest per capita self-employed rates in the world. Which is why I am focussing this posting on those of you who are employed rather than self-employed. Because employed Kiwis often have a change in situation and end up self-employed.

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Does income protection pay redundancy?

Does income protection pay redundancy?

A good question and one that is often misunderstood when it comes to income protection.

It’s also been coming up in conversations more recently, suggesting there’s some job security sentiment developing.

In New Zealand, there are five situations that impact your ability to earn an income.

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Does your current adviser really understand income protection?

Does your current adviser really understand income protection?

I've spent 24 years in financial services, during which time I've worked on a significant number of difficult income protection claims. I still don't understand why the indemnity-first approach for income protection still prevails with the majority of advisers in today's environment.

Well, I do. It's not the client-first approach we'd all like to expect. Advisers have to do less and get paid more, but that's another story.

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Income Protection Insurance NZ

Income Protection Insurance NZ

In basic terms, income protection insurance in New Zealand replaces a percentage of your income when you cannot work in your own occupation due to medical or injury reasons. 

It is designed to provide 75-80% of your in-hand earnings when you are disabled at claim time.

Most policies today have a range of options and different flavours. Fundamentally, there are two types: those you pay tax on at claim time and those you do not. 

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Home Based Worker - Protecting your income

Home Based Worker - Protecting your income

As a home based worker, insuring your income can be a bit of a challenge in some situations, though with post Covid, work from home has become more accepted by insurers. 

The question is what do you do and how mobile do you have to be to do it? 

To be clear, I'm talking about those people who earn an income rather than those who are in unpaid occupations. The later is another article.

I'll be exploring a few situations and the insurance approach for paid home based workers, to give you a bit of an idea about how you can protect your income if you work from home.

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5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Insurance Advisor

5 Reasons Why You Should Use An Insurance Advisor

You’re looking for insurance cover, be it for your life, home, income or health. You have two choices. You can use an insurance advisor to do all the hard work for you, or you could purchase straight from the insurer's website. Which one will you pick?

Obviously, we recommend that you use an insurance advisor and today we’re explaining the five most important reasons why.

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The Changing Face of Income Protection

The Changing Face of Income Protection

Most people, when discussing income protection for the first time, assume it automatically covers job loss (redundancy). It doesn't, and it's often not an option. Over the last 5-10 years, this has ebbed and flowed, with mortgage repayment having redundancy as an option, and some income protection too. Post Covid, most no longer have redundancy cover available.

The point I am making is things change, but this article is not about redundancy.

What I am talking about is a new product Asteron Life released in 2015, that is quite different to the normal income protection approach.

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Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Yes, you've heard it before, you should have medical insurance and income protection. Well here's a story of exactly why you need to consider insurance cover.

Your life may depend on it.

We have a client who has had ongoing issues with immunity for some time. They have the cover and have been able to access treatment in a reasonably timely way.

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Claims and the Claims process

Claims and the Claims process

Right oh, if you are reading this from the perspective of trying to claim, we might be a bit shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. Though there may still be things we can do, so do check out our claims advocation service. Where we can we help people get the support they need from what is available.

For those who are looking for life insurance and wanting to find the best deal on life insurance, this is the starting point. Knowing what you don’t know that can hurt you.

The best deal in life insurance is a policy that responds and works when it is needed, not the premium you pay. Because paying a cheap premium doesn’t necessarily mean you have the right cover. Nor does it guarantee you put it in place correctly.

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ACC and self-employed when it comes to claims

ACC and self-employed when it comes to claims

In the last few years, it has come to my attention that ACC's approach to weekly compensation claims for self-employed people is somewhat challenged.

This has been highlighted directly with a couple of situations with another colleague of mine and an ACC claim I have lodged myself.

There is a combination of lack of intuitive interface design by those involved with making ACC's system and the understanding of the medical people that use it.

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De-Stress or Stay Sick - What’s Your Choice?

De-Stress or Stay Sick - What’s Your Choice?

Stress. We live with it and many of us can’t live without it. It has that canny ability to follow us wherever we go. Work, home or school, stress builds a kind of tower, adding one more bit on the top until it gets so high it falls over. Then when that happens, we start suffering the effects of poor physical and mental health. That’s often the time when we decide it’s time to de-stress.

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