Insurance News for Real People

Managing interest rate pressures on your mortgage or home loan

Managing interest rate pressures on your mortgage or home loan

Interest rates have risen, and they are all biting. Is this a problem? It depends on your perspective.

If you are a homeowner, then yes, it will have a direct impact: Your mortgage payments will rise. Again, is this a problem?

If you bought your home some time ago when rates were higher and have not borrowed more, it is probably not a problem. You have been enjoying significantly cheaper money than you anticipated. Additionally, you have possibly paid back more principal than you normally would have, and you are now in a better position.

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Income Protection Insurance NZ

Income Protection Insurance NZ

In basic terms, income protection insurance in New Zealand replaces a percentage of your income when you cannot work in your own occupation due to medical or injury reasons. 

It is designed to provide 75-80% of your in-hand earnings when you are disabled at claim time.

Most policies today have a range of options and different flavours. Fundamentally, there are two types: those you pay tax on at claim time and those you do not. 

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Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

If you are looking for the '13% level of funding in New Zealand' Article, it's moved here due to some changes with our web software, if not, read on ;)

An estimated one in four New Zealanders will at some point suffer from anxiety during their life according to the Mental Health Foundation. As the most commonly diagnosed mental health condition in our country, anxiety is also a condition many people do not seek medical assistance with. Yet excessive anxiety can cause significant disruptions to the life of an individual, making early recognition and treatment essential.

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Income Protection Offsets and why Mortgage Repayment Protection is mixed in to your income protection planning

Income Protection Offsets and why Mortgage Repayment Protection is mixed in to your income protection planning

Offsets are one of the most contentious and least understood provisions of an Income Protection contract with policy holders.


Simply it's not a selling point so it's glossed over in the advice discussion.

Keep in mind, having some cover is better than no cover, but having the right cover is even better.

I'm going to explore offsets in this article so you have a better understanding of what this may mean to you.

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Why is Mortgage Protection Insurance important?

Why is Mortgage Protection Insurance important?

You have a mortgage which is why you're probably asking this question, so the logical leap is you have a mortgage because you either don't have the financial resources not to or you wish to leverage your capital for the maximum return. Either way you have taken on a financial risk by having a mortgage.

If things go to plan and nothing happens to you or your property then the risk has not been realised, the question then becomes what if the risk is realised?

Mortgage Protection Insurance is how you go about mitigating this particular financial risk.

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Applying for cover, the application form

Applying for cover, the application form

From time to time, I hear key staff from insurance companies speak at training and development sessions I attend. A recent one I heard from a key person in charge of operations. This person oversees both the underwriting (your application) and claims (where you get paid)

What was interesting to hear was the statement ‘Where there is adviser guidance with the application; the client generally has a better outcome at claim.’

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