What does this really mean for you?
For many, it is about getting the kids to school and you to work. There are going to be some goals along the way and Christmas is coming again.
With the other businesses we work with there's a chain of great ideas, from Infinity Marketing's 4 secrets to a successful year we add a fifth to that list
The one thing that never happens; a New Years resolution to review and implement your risk management.
We talk about improving health; we talk about improving fitness. But we don't go on January 1st, let's get some life insurance.
But you probably should. More the point is making sure you have sufficient support to maintain your lifestyle and get access to the right medical treatment.
If you have income protection, you can wait for the public system, if you don't then you really need to have medical insurance. This is to ensure you spend the shortest amount of time waiting for treatment and working through recovery without an income.
That's the harsh choice have medical and wait, have income protection and have the ability to wait, or better still have both. Reduce the wait and have the income support too.
- 25% of people have medical insurance coverage and do not have to wait on the public system.
- 20% of people have income protection cover and have security that their income is supported if they can't work.
My question is why are you not one of these smart people?
It riles me that people complain about our public system but have done nothing to better manage their own situation.
The public system is there for everyone, yes. However, it is focused on emergency and management of chronic conditions.
It does deal with acute and life-impacting things, but not nearly as well as the private system does.
So this year, if you haven't already, are you going to sort your access to effective medical treatment or are you going to rely on the public system and maybe a give a little page to get you through?
It is a choice; it is a decision. Your choice and your decision. Don't be under any illusions, doing nothing is also a decision.
Don't be passive about your choices in making decisions in your life.
Actively seek out the answers and options, putting this sort of cover in place isn't as scary and expensive as you might think.
Book some time with us to get this done!
In the meantime here are five things you can do to significantly improve your health:
- Get more sleep, a solid 7.5 to 8.5 hours per night
- Get more exercise, 30 minutes 3-5 times per week
- Drink more water
- Drink less alcohol
- Eat a more natural diet
These have been proven time and time again to dramatically improve people's health.
At times of claim, especially income protection claims for cognitive and fatigue related reasons, these five things are critical to the success of people's recovery.
Get to it, or as they say "get a round tuit."
We wish you a successful and prosperous 2017! Now Turn your business goals into social media goals with InDeed We Can
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