Insurance News for Real People

Managing your Medical Insurance Premiums - 2025

Managing your Medical Insurance Premiums  - 2025

I have been discussing managing medical premiums for quite some time. This article I wrote in 2016 is the start where I discuss the life cycle of medical insurance for the typical household. This discussion and approach is still quite valid.

However, with Covid, challenges with the public medical system and cost of living pressures, medical insurance remains an essential tool to ensure you have access to the medical care you need, but it's a whole lot more expensive than it used to be.

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Managing your Medical Insurance Premiums - 2023 & 2024

Managing your Medical Insurance Premiums  - 2023 & 2024

This is an update to a similar article I wrote in 2016, and this shows in the seven years since, medical insurance premiums have mostly doubled and what has changed since then. Added to that is access to public health services is at an all-time low, with around 2/3 of people not being seen in required Ministry of Health time frames.

Don't take my word for it; you can check out Public Health services delivery response that is linked, though this hasn't been updated since before the 2023 election. Click time series view, and it will show you how well current public health delivery is achieving to expectations.

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Preventative Mastectomy & Breast Reconstruction

Preventative Mastectomy & Breast Reconstruction

Breast cancer is a consistent news story we all see, in more recent times we've seen the challenges people face with their insurance company's getting breast reconstructions done.

This 2016 article in the New Zealand Herald, 11th Hour Shock, for Anna Jobsz who is having a preventative mastectomy and breast reconstruction is pretty typical of what we see.

This follows on from the high profile treatment Angelina Jolie had when she found out she was exposed to a high chance of developing breast cancer.

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Breast cancer and breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Breast cancer and breast reconstruction after mastectomy

It's been ten years since insurers started adding breast reconstruction after cancer surgery to medical insurance. At the time, insurers had a hard time with the subject, but over the last ten years, all insurers, with the exception of some older employer plans, now have the benefit.

The article, which you can read here, only mentioned four of the 10 providers of medical insurance benefits in the New Zealand market at the time, which does the market a disservice as it does provide valuable benefits to policyholders in need with 8 out of 10 at the time having some response to breast reconstruction after surgery.

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Unfunded and Non-Pharmac for Southern Cross and other providers

Unfunded and Non-Pharmac for Southern Cross and other providers

So you have existing medical insurance coverage, but you are concerned about unfunded and non-Pharmac subsidised medicines, especially for cancer.

You are concerned because your present cover is either limited or non-existent for this area of your medical treatment. 

If you are fit and healthy, then this is not quite the issue it could be, and moving to a plan that does cover this is relatively straightforward. 

But that’s not the reason you are reading this either.

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The Great Medical Insurance Land Grab

The Great Medical Insurance Land Grab

Medical insurance is a changing landscape, not only with policy terms and conditions but with the providers now. 

10 years ago, we had 10 different medical providers; we now have 6 and likely that there will be more mergers in the market.

Medical insurance is a product that typically is not reinsured, so the money for claims, operating the insurer, marketing & sales all come out of the same pot.

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Who's going to help pay for my mental health treatment?

Who's going to help pay for my mental health treatment?

Mental Health - Not so much the resources but the funding

Since Covid hit we have seen a marked incraes in people's awareness of mental health and the distinct lack of support we have in the general community.

As an adviser, mental health comes up in discussion on a regular basis. Be it working through an existing application, discussing the terms of cover an insurance company has offered or dealing with a claim.

This prompted me to have a closer look at what services are available and what funding and financial support for mental health exists for you, if you need it.

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Can You Afford New Advances in Melanoma Treatment?

Can You Afford New Advances in Melanoma Treatment?

Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and with over 4,000 people diagnosed with melanoma in New Zealand each year, we have one of the world’s highest rates. Sun exposure is the number one cause of melanoma, with genetics also playing a part. Melanoma is the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes, which are the cells which produce the pigment which colours our hair, skin and eyes. If caught early enough, it is treatable, but once it has spread, the prognosis is not so great.

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Will You Get the Right Melanoma Treatment or Be Fobbed Off?

Will You Get the Right Melanoma Treatment or Be Fobbed Off?

It’s all about Pharmac when it comes to melanoma treatment. Pharmac either fund it or they don’t. If they do and if it is the right treatment for you, then you get it. If they don’t, even though your doctor recommends it, you get a big fat no. A no is not something you want to hear when you’re battling a diagnosis of melanoma, regardless which stage it is at. So, how do you turn that no into a yes and get the right treatment for you?

Do You Need to Fight for Your Melanoma Treatment?

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Breast Cancer Facts or Fiction – What Should You Believe?

Breast Cancer Facts or Fiction – What Should You Believe?

Breast cancer is a game changer. With over 3000 women and 20 men diagnosed each year, breast cancer wrecks lives. It’s not all doom and gloom however. If identified while it is in the early stages, a complete recovery is possible. The problem being, access to free breast cancer screening is restricted here in New Zealand.

Truth About Breast Cancer

It sucks. What more can I say?

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Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover


Continuing from the previous blog on breast cancer claims, we are going to get a bit technical and dive much deeper into what today's policy wordings say about cancer definitions.  

We did something similar on heart attack definitions a couple of months ago, though this is significantly longer. I am going do something I have not seen in a blog, add an appendix!

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Continued Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Continued Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Continuing from our previous post on the primary cancer benefit definitions we cover the early or less severe stages of a cancer claim with these definitions. If you want to read the main article, you can read that here first

Partial or Early Cancer Benefits

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Breast Cancer and Trauma Insurance

Breast Cancer and Trauma Insurance


This has been an interesting topic of discussion in the last few weeks. Brought about by two clients facing breast cancer.

Checking the stats on the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation website the diagnosis rate of breast cancer in New Zealand has been steadily climbing in the last 20 years. From around 2,000 diagnosed per year to around 3,000 diagnosed per year presently.

This probably isn't surprising given that our population has grown too. What is pleasing to see is the mortality rate is improving relative to the number diagnosed. 

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