Continued Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Continued Cancer definitions in trauma insurance cover

Continuing from our previous post on the primary cancer benefit definitions we cover the early or less severe stages of a cancer claim with these definitions. If you want to read the main article, you can read that here first

Partial or Early Cancer Benefits

AMP 80.00

AMP RPP Trauma Plus Option, NZPD0291-08/2015, Page 7, Section 7
Early Stage Cancer We will pay a partial payment of 10% of the Trauma Insurance up to a maximum of $25,000 if the Life Insured suffers the first instance of the following cancer conditions: -Diagnosis of carcinoma in situ of the vulva, vagina, ovary, cervix-uteri or fallopian tube where by the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis or FIGO stage 0 (under the old FIGO classification). - Diagnosis of carcinoma in situ of the cervix that is at TNM stage Tis or CIN 3 grading. - Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ of the penis - where the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis requiring surgical excision. The cancer cells do not penetrate the basement membrane nor invade the surrounding tissues. - Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ of the testicle - where the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis in one or both testes. The cancer cells do not penetrate the basement membrane nor invade the surrounding tissues. Carcinoma in situ means focal new growth of malignant cells that have not yet invaded normal tissues and have been diagnosed by biopsy. Following a partial payment, unless we have already made a payment for the particular Early Stage Cancer condition a claim is submitted for, we will make subsequent payments for other conditions meeting the definition of Early Stage Cancer. AMP RPP NZPD0291, Trauma Plus Option, 08/2015, Page 6, Section 7 We will pay a one off partial benefit of 10% of the Trauma Insurance up to a maximum of $25,000, if the Life Insured is diagnosed for the first time with carcinoma-in-situ of the breast where the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis. There is no requirement for the breast to be removed. Carcinoma-in-situ means focal new growth of malignant cells that have not yet invaded normal tissues and have been diagnosed by biopsy.

AMP RPP Trauma Plus Option, NZPD0291-08/2015, Page 7, Section 7
Early Stage Cancer We will pay a partial payment of 10% of the Trauma Insurance up to a maximum of $25,000 if the Life Insured suffers the first instance of the following cancer conditions: -Diagnosis of carcinoma in situ of the vulva, vagina, ovary, cervix-uteri or fallopian tube where by the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis or FIGO stage 0 (under the old FIGO classification). - Diagnosis of carcinoma in situ of the cervix that is at TNM stage Tis or CIN 3 grading. - Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ of the penis - where the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis requiring surgical excision. The cancer cells do not penetrate the basement membrane nor invade the surrounding tissues. - Diagnosis of Carcinoma in situ of the testicle - where the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis in one or both testes. The cancer cells do not penetrate the basement membrane nor invade the surrounding tissues. Carcinoma in situ means focal new growth of malignant cells that have not yet invaded normal tissues and have been diagnosed by biopsy. Following a partial payment, unless we have already made a payment for the particular Early Stage Cancer condition a claim is submitted for, we will make subsequent payments for other conditions meeting the definition of Early Stage Cancer. AMP RPP NZPD0291, Trauma Plus Option, 08/2015, Page 6, Section 7 We will pay a one off partial benefit of 10% of the Trauma Insurance up to a maximum of $25,000, if the Life Insured is diagnosed for the first time with carcinoma-in-situ of the breast where the tumour is classified as TNM stage Tis. There is no requirement for the breast to be removed. Carcinoma-in-situ means focal new growth of malignant cells that have not yet invaded normal tissues and have been diagnosed by biopsy.

ASB/Sovereign 100.00

902 ASB LSPP-LAC version 6, 10/2015, Page 11/12, Section 8
Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit applies only if shown in the schedule. Sovereign will pay an Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit (subject to the provisions of this policy) if the life assured suffers for the first time one of the cancer conditions listed below, after the date cover commences under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit. Sovereign will not pay an Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit if the life assured suffers the cancer condition or has any symptoms or signs leading to the cancer condition (whether or not a Registered Medical Practitioner has been consulted) within three months after the date cover commences under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit does not apply to children of the life assured covered under the Children’s Trauma Benefit or the Optional Children’s and Maternity Benefit. Only one claim per life assured can be made under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit will cease once a claim is paid and your premiums will reduce accordingly. If at claim time, the life assured does not have a base Living Assurance Benefit, no Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit will be payable and any premiums paid for the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit after the base Living Assurance Benefit has been cancelled will be refunded to the policy owner. The amount payable under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit is 25% of the Comprehensive Living Assurance Benefit sum assured at the date cover commences under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit, subject to a maximum of $50,000 per life assured across all Sovereign policies. The amount payable under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit does not change with any subsequent changes in the Comprehensive Living Assurance Benefit sum assured, such as changes due to: > annual indexation increases after the date cover commences under the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit; > cover added using the Special Events Increase Facility or the Special Events TPD/Trauma Facility; > Comprehensive LAB Future Insurability Benefit increases; or > Reductions in the Comprehensive Living Assurance Benefit sum assured due to voluntary reduction or due to a partial payment claim. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit will cease when cover under the Comprehensive Living Assurance Benefit ceases. Payment of the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit may be in addition to any other payments made under this policy. Payment of the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit will not reduce the Comprehensive Living Assurance Benefit sum assured. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit covers carcinoma-in-situ of the following sites and is defined as a focal autonomous new growth of carcinomatous cells which has not yet resulted in the invasion of normal tissue. ‘Invasion’ means an infiltration and/or active destruction of normal tissue beyond the basement membrane. The carcinoma-in-situ must be positively diagnosed by biopsy and be classified as TIS according to the TNM staging method or FIGO Stage 0: > Breast > Cervix > Vagina > Vulva > Ovary > Fallopian tube: tumour limited to tubal mucosa. The Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit also covers the following cancers: > Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: where there must be the presence of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia which is histologically described as at least RAI Stage 0 > Malignant melanoma which is less than 1.5mm depth of invasion as measured using the Breslow histological classification, and less than Clark level 3 as determined by a histological examination and shows no evidence of ulceration as determined by a histological examination. > Malignant tumour of the prostate histologically described as TNM classification T1 or has a Gleason score of 5 or less for which treatment is not considered medically necessary by an appropriate specialist. The Living Assurance Buyback Benefit does not apply for the Optional Early Cancer Upgrade Benefit.

Asteron Life 80.00

Personal Insurance, Trauma Recovery Cover, RP347 (028/15), Page 21 & 22, Section 5.3
Early stage cancer benefit We will pay the greater of $10,000 or 20% of the Trauma Recovery Cover sum insured, if the insured person is diagnosed with early stage cancer (as defined in the Medical terms and definitions section). Unless the Early stage cancer benefit is a replacement benefit, there is a deferred cover start date for early stage cancer. The sum insured for Trauma Recovery Cover will reduce by any payment for early stage cancer, and premiums will adjust accordingly. If the Trauma Recovery Cover sum insured is less than $10,000, we will pay you the full sum insured. This benefit will be paid once only for each type of early stage cancer. Any early stage cancer that is the same or similar to, related to, or directly or indirectly caused by an early stage cancer for which a Trauma recovery benefit has been paid will not be covered.
Early stage cancer means: a) carcinoma in situ* which is a cancer characterised by a focal autonomous new growth of carcinoma cells, which has not yet resulted in the invasion of normal tissue. ‘Invasion’ means an infiltration and/or active destruction of normal tissue beyond the basement membrane. The tumour must be confirmed by a tissue biopsy and classified as Tis according to the TNM staging method or FIGO stage 0; b) chronic lymphocytic leukaemia which is histologically described as Rai Stage 0; c) prostate cancer diagnosed as either TNM classification T1 or Gleason score of 5 or less. The tumour must be confined within the prostate; or d) malignant melanoma that is less than 1.5mm depth of invasion using the Breslow method, and less than Clark Level 3 as determined by a histological examination. * Including carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN). The following are excluded: • Carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) classifications CIN1 and CIN2 • All forms of skin cancer that are not melanoma.

OnePath Life 80.00

Assurance Extra, Trauma Cover, V4.2, 12/2015, Page 19, Section 17
Cancer Conditions For each of the cancer conditions listed below under this Clause 17, the Life Assured, or child covered under the Optional Children’s Benefit, must have suffered from the condition for the first time at least ninety (90) days after the Receipt of Application. If the Life Assured, or child covered under the Optional Children’s Benefit, suffers a cancer condition listed below within the first ninety (90) days following the Receipt of Application then no benefit will be payable in respect of that condition. If the Trauma Cover sum insured is increased then this ninety (90) day stand-down period will also apply for the increased amount from the effective date of the increase. For the cancer conditions detailed below, OnePath may pay the lesser of twenty-five percent (25%) of the Trauma Cover sum insured (or Optional Children’s Benefit) or $75,000, if a Life Assured meets the diagnosis criteria detailed below. When a cancer benefit is paid the Trauma Cover sum insured (or Optional Children’s Benefit) will instantly be reduced by the amount of that payment. 17.1 Carcinoma in Situ Carcinoma in Situ means the Life Assured has a carcinoma in situ characterised by a focal autonomous new growth of carcinomatous cells which has not yet resulted in invasion of normal tissue beyond the basement membrane. ‘Invasion’ means an infiltration and/or active destruction of normal tissue beyond the basement membrane. The tumour must be confirmed by a tissue biopsy and classified as Tis according to the TNM staging method or FIGO stage 0. Carcinoma in situ of the cervix uteri of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) classifications CIN-1 and CIN-2 are excluded. All forms of skin cancer are excluded. (Please note that Melanoma may be covered under the Cancer condition detailed in Clause 15 (Covered Conditions and Criteria) or under the Early Stage Malignant Melanoma condition below). 17.2 Low Grade Prostate Cancer Means the prostate cancer must be histologically described as TNM Classification T1 or having a Gleason Score of equal to or less than 5 (or equivalent histological classification), by either radiotherapy or chemotherapy has not been recommended. 17.3 Early Stage Malignant Melanoma Means melanoma that is less than 1.5mm depth of invasion using the Breslow method, and less than Clark Level 3 as determined by a histological either radiotherapy or chemotherapy has not been recommended. 17.3 Early Stage Malignant Melanoma Means melanoma that is less than 1.5mm depth of invasion using the Breslow method, and less than Clark Level 3 as determined by a histological examination.


Jon-Paul Hale

Written by : Jon-Paul Hale

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