Insurance News for Real People

Life policy terms and conditions

Life policy terms and conditions


It seems there is plenty to write about this week. 

Russell Hutchison has said the following on his blog moneyblog this week.

An Australian man whose daughter went to live in Syria claims she did nothing wrong by going there, and was misled into the venture which was supposed to be for humanitarian purposes. Headlines describe her as a "Jihadist." But her motivation is not the point as far as the insurance claim is concerned.

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Money management from a teen's perspective

Money management from a teen's perspective


The following is a school speech my youngest daughter delivered recently. I'm proud of her position and writing on this, all herself and a quite mature view from a 15 year old.

The speech was marked as a Merit overall for NCEA 1 and the writing as an Excellence. I felt it was worth sharing. Financial literacy is an area, us kiwi's, haven't had a great deal of success with. 

If I gave you $20,000 today, what would you do with it?

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Budgeting and saving

Budgeting and saving


Something we are told about, and sometimes think about, but do we actually take the time to do?

I was browsing the Pak'nSave website planning this weeks grocery trip, and came across a section of their website that frankly, is just good advice. Not financial advice, though there is a link to budgeting services if you need it, good advice on better managing your money when it comes to the weekly shopping spend. 

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Fish hooks and surprises

Fish hooks and surprises


Exclusions and policy terms, another good reason to regularly review your insurance coverage

An unfortunate fact of life is; time marches on and we all get that little bit older. This also means the policy you took last year, five years or ten years ago may not be quite as appropriate now as it was at the time you first took it.

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Pharmac funding - do you really understand what this means?

Pharmac funding - do you really understand what this means?

This is an area of health care often mis-understood until you are in the thick of your treatment and you find out things may not be as you expected.

Pharmac is the governments answer to managing health care costs and getting the best deal for New Zealanders health care dollar. The challenge is that health care dollar, which is funded from your taxes, only goes so far.

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Risk planning and grand ideas about private schooling

Risk planning and grand ideas about private schooling


Something which is often kicked around by financial advisers is private education, sort of meaning: if something happened to you, your kids would go/move to private education from public education.

Now this may be a wish you have but the practical reality is your kids have had a significant change with the loss or disability of a parent. Why would you inflict more change on them by pulling them away from their friends and stable routine to send them to private schooling? Sounds like a great way of scarring them for life at a vulnerable time.

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Why should you regularly review your personal insurance

Why should you regularly review your personal insurance


One simple reason; your risk situation changes. Surprisingly so. I have found many situations where what was covered and covered reasonably well, is not only months later.

For example, a new client I was talking to had a cover that was only a few months old. The situation had changed quite quickly following a relationship break up, quite a bit of debt had been taken on as a result. The life cover taken was no longer sufficient to cover this and the repayment insurance they had, now has a significant shortfall.

Another client after reviewing their situation, a month later comes back. Oh yes, by the way, we have bought an investment property and effectively doubled our mortgage. Quite a change in risk there too.

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What are you really protecting?

What are you really protecting?


Life’s full of surprises though life cover insurance is usually a subject you do not get surprises in. Sovereign’s 2013 published causes for life claims, or rather reasons people died, makes for surprising reading.

In the graph from Sovereigns claims for the year ending 30 June 2013, The 70 plus age group isn’t surprising, cancer, heart or lungs are usual reasons people pass away. The first usually causing one of the second or third.

Stepping back from the older lives, things get a little different.

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