Insurance News for Real People

Why you need advice when buying insurance

Why you need advice when buying insurance


How Complicated is NZ's Life and Health Insurance Market?

Why is Personalised Financial Advice So Important?

These are the factors you need to take into account in order to pick your way through the complex minefield of personal life and health insurance. It's why you need financial advice from a properly Registered or Authorised Financial Adviser There are so many options - many of which won't apply to you, so don't accept generalised (class) advice or simple product summaries. Ensure you are receiving a full personalised advice service from a properly Registered or Authorised Financial Adviser.


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Why a regular insurance review is important for you

Why a regular insurance review is important for you

It oft be said, ’All my insurance adviser does is turn up and sell me more insurance’. While this may be true, I hope it's for the right reasons, you have more risk. This is the point, your risks change.

What is surprising is how people set and forget their insurance, be it life or property insurance. A great example is a past colleague who had not reviewed his contents cover since university, $40,000 then might have been a great deal, now a successful business owner with teenage kids it barely covers what's in his lounge.

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What I want to know is how much protecting my income will cost?

What I want to know is how much protecting my income will cost?

Taking a lead from a colleague on blog questions, I've talked extensively on what is income protection, how it works and how to apply it to your situation. What I haven't explained is what it is likely to cost you.

Taking into account that everyone has a different situation, occupations, levels of income, medical history and available financial resources I am going to football the averages for you.

Today in New Zealand the average gross taxable income for earners is about $55,000. I'm going to use this as my base income to establish the cover level using a net of tax, agreed value approach.

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What is this waiver of premium my adviser is selling me?

What is this waiver of premium my adviser is selling me?

Also called premium waiver or premium cover. In a nutshell, it is insurance for your insurance premiums. Ok stop there! Before you go 'huh? I don't need that', consider the following.

The point of waiver of premium benefits is to pay your policy premiums when you are disabled and unable to work. Extending this logic, if you are disabled and unable to work, your income has likely stopped or reduced, often significantly.

If you have a reduction in income due to a disability, it is likely you may miss a premium payment or two. Miss three (months) and your insurance cover will lapse.

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I'm thinking about having children but not sure what to do with my income protection?

I'm thinking about having children but not sure what to do with my income protection?

If you are pregnant or looking to have children, this is a great question to be asking.

To start with, you will be focused quickly on how baby is doing and finding the right baby things for you to be using, then after baby arrives, you will be too busy with baby to think about insurance.

One insurance thing you do need to put on the to-do list, is adding baby to your medical insurance cover within three months of arriving, this article talks more about baby. This post is about you as mum.

In general, if you have income protection you will have some disability coverage for the first 12 months after finishing work, if you are on maternity leave for longer than this, then things get a little more interesting.

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ACC unpacked, what you really need to know

ACC unpacked, what you really need to know

ACC (Accident Compensation Corporation) is New Zealand's unique no fault accident rehabilitation and support system

Ok, most of you know about ACC covering you for your medical expenses to treat you and recover from an accident. 

If you have had an accident you probably found this to be partially funded and you had to pay something towards the costs, depending on what you needed to be done. Which is a little disappointing but medical expenses only go so far.

The other aspect people know about is the replacement of income if you are off work in an accident situation, where 80% of your lost income can be replaced after seven days while you recover.

The things people may not fully appreciate are the other benefits and situations ACC cover which you need to be aware of.

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Run your own business and have out of control ACC levy bills?

Run your own business and have out of control ACC levy bills?

You are not alone; most business people comment that ACC levy invoices do not make much sense.

Part of the reason for this is the way ACC levies are calculated, some in advance and some in arrears. Often this is not in a sequential order so you might be paying this year's and paying a wash up on a year before last. This is usually because of the way you have reported your accounts; this is also across two or more levy invoices. Added to this the various components to cover the past and future risks ACC have, credits that happen if you have overpaid a portion calculated on a prior estimate.

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Insurance, necessary evil right or essential financial safety net?

Insurance, necessary evil right or essential financial safety net?


Insurance is one of those things people do not like paying for and often bundle it in with power, interest, rates, tax and bank fees. Something to address when we really have to until then, we will ignore it and just pay the bill.

Insurance is about covering a loss, well a potential loss. Because you need to take insurance before you have the loss in order for it to work. People comment ‘but it should cover X, because I know about X and that is what I want cover for’. If you know about X then the insurance company is unlikely to bet on X because it is likely to be a sure loss for them.

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I have a policy, I am covered, right?

I have a policy, I am covered, right?


In general terms yes. There is a but in there though, and it is a big one.

When you applied for your policy, did you; tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? If you did, you are probably ok and have nothing to worry about, if you are unsure read on.

In English law, and carried through to New Zealand law, is the basic principal of good faith and truth when talking about contracts.

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What if you are disabled through a non-accidental event or medical disability?

What if you are disabled through a non-accidental event or medical disability?

Good question as most people struggle with an example of a disability that is not a trauma or an accident. A degenerative back condition is one, no event as such so not ACC. Though there is another, I have seen which was more surprising.

Who would have thought a change in regular management medication would result in not being able to work? Well it can happen, not only once but a recent clients father has had a similar experience too and the similarities are quite surprising. Let’s just call them both Peter.

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What really happens with a disability?

What really happens with a disability?

Let us say you are a builder and you take a tumble off the roof on a job and break your pelvis. (There have been one or two of these situations, it does happen) You are carted away in an ambulance to emergency and they patch you up.

You are now looking at 12-13 weeks for recovery. You will need assistance for things you never thought you would, nor will you like it much.

After 7 days, ACC will be paying to replace 80% of you provable tax assessable income, which is also tax assessable, and you are still lying in a hospital bed. At this stage of the game, you are starting to do your head in and depression is a real risk for you.

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Applying for cover, the application form

Applying for cover, the application form

From time to time, I hear key staff from insurance companies speak at training and development sessions I attend. A recent one I heard from a key person in charge of operations. This person oversees both the underwriting (your application) and claims (where you get paid)

What was interesting to hear was the statement ‘Where there is adviser guidance with the application; the client generally has a better outcome at claim.’

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