Good question as most people struggle with an example of a disability that is not a trauma or an accident. A degenerative back condition is one, no event as such so not ACC. Though there is another, I have seen which was more surprising.
Who would have thought a change in regular management medication would result in not being able to work? Well it can happen, not only once but a recent clients father has had a similar experience too and the similarities are quite surprising. Let’s just call them both Peter.
In these cases Peter had been prescribed a statin to manage his cholesterol, this had been some time ago and had been working fine. He went along to his doctor for a check up and was prescribed a different medication as the funding for the one he was on had changed. No trouble took it as he normally did.
6-7 months later, Peter is having trouble with swelling and has pain in his legs as well as trouble concentrating. Off to the doctor he goes. The doctor says stop taking the medication. After another month, there is no change. Peter is sent for more testing, MRI’s, blood tests and all manner of specialists. The answer that comes back, you have something so rare we cannot decide weather it is this or that; lucky for you the treatment is the same.
The unfortunate reality of this situation is there is a direct impact on cognitive function. Part of the trouble is the cognitive function issue is both a symptom of the condition and the medication to treat the condition. Makes it a very hard place to be.
No question about being disabled for his own occupation, Peter needs his cognitive abilities to do his job. The issue is; to any one looking at Peter, he looks fit and well.
The biggest challenge Peter faces is the boredom. He cannot do the job he loves to do; he is able to function and do most things, but can’t do his own job. Very frustrating.
From a claim perspective, the insurance company admitted Peter’s claim and continue to work through a treatment plan for him.
On top of paying the disability benefits they have also paid for and arranged quite a number of tests and consults to help narrow down the condition and find an effective way to treat it. But they are also pragmatic that this may take a long time for Peter’s recovery.
What other situations have come up that are not accidents?
Back to back issues, those where there is not a fall, event or impact are very common. Related are joint issues through degeneration and wear. My builder in my previous article, the most likely degenerative physical claim in addition to his back, is going to be shoulders, elbows, knees and hips. Another very common claim reason as it mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
Other more serious conditions like heart attacks and cancer cause disability claims, though often initially not very long ones. Severe heart attacks and protracted cancer treatment do result in claims that can go for quite some time.
I often say to my clients, it is not about having lots of cover in one area and none in others. It is about having appropriate levels of cover across all areas, this is where insurance works best.
Knowing you may be underinsured in an area is better than being uninsured. By this you can make plans to address that shortfall by other means, like maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regime so you have to rely on your insurance less.
If you want to discuss you options for protecting your income, get in touch we would be glad to help.
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