Level premiums are an interesting one, as every situation is different.
Level term has had some additional noise recently, with new financial advice rules raising awareness of the way advice in this area is delivered.
Call 09 973 2849
Level premiums are an interesting one, as every situation is different.
Level term has had some additional noise recently, with new financial advice rules raising awareness of the way advice in this area is delivered.
As an insurance adviser, insurance premiums are part of what we cover with clients every day.
You know what, it does not matter how young or old you are, how rich or poor, the conversation around premiums is universally the same.
Let me get something clear out front. I am an insurance adviser, not an insurance agent.
This means, frankly, I do not care what cover you take or have, who it is with or how much you spend on it; so long as it is the right benefit at the right level at an acceptable premium for you.
Taking a lead from a colleague on blog questions, I've talked extensively on what is income protection, how it works and how to apply it to your situation. What I haven't explained is what it is likely to cost you.
Taking into account that everyone has a different situation, occupations, levels of income, medical history and available financial resources I am going to football the averages for you.
Today in New Zealand the average gross taxable income for earners is about $55,000. I'm going to use this as my base income to establish the cover level using a net of tax, agreed value approach.
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