Insurance News for Real People

Can You Afford New Advances in Melanoma Treatment?

Can You Afford New Advances in Melanoma Treatment?

Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and with over 4,000 people diagnosed with melanoma in New Zealand each year, we have one of the world’s highest rates. Sun exposure is the number one cause of melanoma, with genetics also playing a part. Melanoma is the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes, which are the cells which produce the pigment which colours our hair, skin and eyes. If caught early enough, it is treatable, but once it has spread, the prognosis is not so great.

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Will You Get the Right Melanoma Treatment or Be Fobbed Off?

Will You Get the Right Melanoma Treatment or Be Fobbed Off?

It’s all about Pharmac when it comes to melanoma treatment. Pharmac either fund it or they don’t. If they do and if it is the right treatment for you, then you get it. If they don’t, even though your doctor recommends it, you get a big fat no. A no is not something you want to hear when you’re battling a diagnosis of melanoma, regardless which stage it is at. So, how do you turn that no into a yes and get the right treatment for you?

Do You Need to Fight for Your Melanoma Treatment?

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I don't need advice on ACC! Don't you?

I don't need advice on ACC! Don't you?

Maybe you should have another look. This opinion piece in the New Zealand Herald is a great example of why you need a good risk adviser, who also works with ACC, as well as your insurance. 

No, you employed people aren't exempt from this either. If you plan on taking a break from employment for any reason you too need advice on your ACC coverage for accident disabilities and weekly compensation.

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Getting your insurance planning right

Getting your insurance planning right


As an adviser, there are few things more challenging than sitting across the table from someone who has just been given the news they have bowel cancer asking “So tell me how is my plan going to work?”

When it comes down to it the right policy is only half of the solution. In this situation not only did we put the plan in place, when it has come to this point we have it right, exactly how they want it.

When we say we put our clients front and centre, we mean it. After answering ‘that’ question above, not only has our client taken the time to say thank you for persevering, they took the time to write the following.

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Breast Cancer Facts or Fiction – What Should You Believe?

Breast Cancer Facts or Fiction – What Should You Believe?

Breast cancer is a game changer. With over 3000 women and 20 men diagnosed each year, breast cancer wrecks lives. It’s not all doom and gloom however. If identified while it is in the early stages, a complete recovery is possible. The problem being, access to free breast cancer screening is restricted here in New Zealand.

Truth About Breast Cancer

It sucks. What more can I say?

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What’s a Succession Plan & Do I Need One?

What’s a Succession Plan & Do I Need One?


Are you prepared for the worst-case scenario? It’s not something any of us like to think about, yet us business owners die and get sick too. We may also end up having to sell our business. Having a succession plan in place makes it nice and clear who gets what and what they must do. Writing one isn’t that hard and involves mostly two actions: transfer of assets and transfer of control. Let’s walk it through …

What is a Succession Plan?

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What insurance colour are you?

What insurance colour are you?


Insurance comes in many colours and not just the colours used by the insurance companies.

Though blues and greens tend to prevail with the providers and red has a smattering with a couple. Funny enough black does not feature too much in the mix for some obvious reasons.

Insurance, particularly life insurance is often a dark subject. Why invite it in by talking about it is often a very natural human response. I do not want black and grey in my life; I want bright colour, light and sunshine.

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Financial advice. What it looks like and how it can affect you

Financial advice. What it looks like and how it can affect you


When it comes to financial advice, and sales in general, there are typically five approaches that sales people take.

  1. Ideal world
  2. Client budget
  3. Average first
  4. Replace with cheaper
  5. Next step

We are firmly an ideal world advisory firm, as we like to consider ourselves advisers, rather than just sales people. 

Sales people sell stuff; we collaboratively weave you a risk protection plan that is driven by your desired outcomes.

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Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

If you are looking for the '13% level of funding in New Zealand' Article, it's moved here due to some changes with our web software, if not, read on ;)

An estimated one in four New Zealanders will at some point suffer from anxiety during their life according to the Mental Health Foundation. As the most commonly diagnosed mental health condition in our country, anxiety is also a condition many people do not seek medical assistance with. Yet excessive anxiety can cause significant disruptions to the life of an individual, making early recognition and treatment essential.

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Are You Certain Your Home is Fully Insured?

Are You Certain Your Home is Fully Insured?


Insuring your home seemed to be an easy task. You’d ring up an insurance company, they’d tell you what your home is worth and then you’re covered. If you make a claim, they pay up and you can repair or replace your home exactly how it was. But wait, because just like an infomercial, there’s now more to it.

One-Third of Kiwi Homes May Be Underinsured

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Getting life insurance; when and why should you get it

Getting life insurance; when and why should you get it


A very common question I hear is; "Why should I have life insurance" and "When should I get life insurance"?

Similar themes on the same thing, relevance. Relevance to them and their situation. Alternatively, more the point they do not have enough knowledge about the subject to make a reasonable decision. 

I suggest a well-informed decision rather than a reasonable decision, but that is just me, the risk adverse risk guy.

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With my insurance, How quickly can funds become available?

With my insurance, How quickly can funds become available?


Often this is a question about 'Am I protected?' The person is looking for reassurance that the insurance they have taken and have been paying for is going to work.

It is also a very practical question.

If you have been relying on your recently deceased partner's income to pay the bills, it is a really valid question.

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Insurance premiums, the love-hate relationship

Insurance premiums, the love-hate relationship

As an insurance adviser, insurance premiums are part of what we cover with clients every day.

You know what, it does not matter how young or old you are, how rich or poor, the conversation around premiums is universally the same.

Let me get something clear out front. I am an insurance adviser, not an insurance agent.

This means, frankly, I do not care what cover you take or have, who it is with or how much you spend on it; so long as it is the right benefit at the right level at an acceptable premium for you.

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What are your aspirations this year?

What are your aspirations this year?


It is that time of year, its fresh and new and the possibilities await!

My question to you is what are you going to do different to ensure you achieve the things you want?

Someone somewhere has said, "To repeat the same thing over and over and expect a different result is the definition of insanity." So what are you going to do to avoid the insanity of repeating the last few years?

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