Insurance News for Real People

Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Public vs Private health a real-world perspective

Yes, you've heard it before, you should have medical insurance and income protection. Well here's a story of exactly why you need to consider insurance cover.

Your life may depend on it.

We have a client who has had ongoing issues with immunity for some time. They have the cover and have been able to access treatment in a reasonably timely way.

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Mental Health Review Released

Mental Health Review Released

The report on New Zealand Mental Health is a disappointing read. Yes, we need more funding in mental health, up there with no **** Sherlock. But the fundamental approach by those with the power to effect real change continues to ignore the suggestions from grassroots New Zealand on what is needed.

Mike King, by his own admission, is an addict and a bully, and after realising this is doing his piece to make a difference and address those things that cause many of the issues the report has determined they don't have a solution for. Mike has had some awesomely effective ideas, yet has been completely shut out of the process.

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Claims and the Claims process

Claims and the Claims process

Right oh, if you are reading this from the perspective of trying to claim, we might be a bit shutting the gate after the horse has bolted. Though there may still be things we can do, so do check out our claims advocation service. Where we can we help people get the support they need from what is available.

For those who are looking for life insurance and wanting to find the best deal on life insurance, this is the starting point. Knowing what you don’t know that can hurt you.

The best deal in life insurance is a policy that responds and works when it is needed, not the premium you pay. Because paying a cheap premium doesn’t necessarily mean you have the right cover. Nor does it guarantee you put it in place correctly.

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How Will You Know If You Need a Hip Replacement?

How Will You Know If You Need a Hip Replacement?

Bones. We’re all born with them. Some are big, some are little. Some break often and some grow crooked. As we age, they show their age just like the rest of our body. Our hips and knees are often the first thing to wear out. But how will you know when you need a hip replacement?

4 Signs Which Show You May Need a Hip Replacement

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Men’s Health Focus: How to Improve Your Heart Health

Men’s Health Focus: How to Improve Your Heart Health

Each year, 33% of deaths in New Zealand are caused by cardiovascular disease. Every 90 minutes, someone in the country dies from heart disease. Then we’ll top that off by saying that 172,000 people in New Zealand, or one in twenty adults, are living with heart disease (NZ Heart Foundation). If these statistics weren’t enough to encourage you to improve your heart health, how about this:

In New Zealand, the number one cause of death for both Maori and non-Maori New Zealanders is ischaemic heart disease.

As a male, your chances of dying from a heart attack or heart disease are enormous. Yet so many men fail to take some simple steps to help improve their heart health. So we’ve put together some easy tips for you to implement into your daily life.

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What Type of Poos Do You Have?

What Type of Poos Do You Have?

It turns out, doctors really are concerned with the type of poos you have. In fact, there’s even a poo classification system called the Bristol Stool Chart. That means, when it comes to your poo, you no longer need to make a guess at the types you have – you can point instead! The type of make a guess at the types you have – you can point instead! The type of poos you have are something you should pay attention to, as changes can point to several health conditions.

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Insurance adviser and insurance broker, what’s the difference?

Insurance adviser and insurance broker, what’s the difference?

Insurance adviser or insurance broker, what’s in a title?

Quite a bit actually. “Are you an insurance broker?” is a very common question. Yes, sort of, is the answer.

That’s because, under the regulations we have, we’re insurance advisers, not insurance brokers.

What’s the difference?

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Can You Afford New Advances in Melanoma Treatment?

Can You Afford New Advances in Melanoma Treatment?

Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and with over 4,000 people diagnosed with melanoma in New Zealand each year, we have one of the world’s highest rates. Sun exposure is the number one cause of melanoma, with genetics also playing a part. Melanoma is the uncontrolled growth of melanocytes, which are the cells which produce the pigment which colours our hair, skin and eyes. If caught early enough, it is treatable, but once it has spread, the prognosis is not so great.

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Will You Get the Right Melanoma Treatment or Be Fobbed Off?

Will You Get the Right Melanoma Treatment or Be Fobbed Off?

It’s all about Pharmac when it comes to melanoma treatment. Pharmac either fund it or they don’t. If they do and if it is the right treatment for you, then you get it. If they don’t, even though your doctor recommends it, you get a big fat no. A no is not something you want to hear when you’re battling a diagnosis of melanoma, regardless which stage it is at. So, how do you turn that no into a yes and get the right treatment for you?

Do You Need to Fight for Your Melanoma Treatment?

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Breast Cancer Facts or Fiction – What Should You Believe?

Breast Cancer Facts or Fiction – What Should You Believe?

Breast cancer is a game changer. With over 3000 women and 20 men diagnosed each year, breast cancer wrecks lives. It’s not all doom and gloom however. If identified while it is in the early stages, a complete recovery is possible. The problem being, access to free breast cancer screening is restricted here in New Zealand.

Truth About Breast Cancer

It sucks. What more can I say?

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Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

Anxiety and it's impact on your life and lifestyle

If you are looking for the '13% level of funding in New Zealand' Article, it's moved here due to some changes with our web software, if not, read on ;)

An estimated one in four New Zealanders will at some point suffer from anxiety during their life according to the Mental Health Foundation. As the most commonly diagnosed mental health condition in our country, anxiety is also a condition many people do not seek medical assistance with. Yet excessive anxiety can cause significant disruptions to the life of an individual, making early recognition and treatment essential.

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Updated - Do you have medical insurance? Will it really work?

Updated - Do you have medical insurance? Will it really work?

This is an update of my earlier blog dated the 14th of March 2016 which can be found here for comparison.

I'm updating this post as a new one as we have had Sovereign come out with an announcement that they will be retrospectively applying un-funded medicines cover for cancer to their historical medical product range. This one change effectively doubles the cover and unfunded access to treatment in New Zealand. That's Huge!

Those that have been reading my blog and social posts on a regular basis will have seen I’ve got a particular bee in my bonnet about unfunded medicines. Partly driven from my view insurance advice needs to improve but also ensuring you have access to the best treatment possible when you really need it the most.

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Medical Treatment; Are you a claim stat and don't know it?

Medical Treatment; Are you a claim stat and don't know it?

From time to time I get updates through from insurers with their claim stats. I recently posted a blog on medical coverage for un-funded medicines and had a look at insurance literacy for clients.

I like information, the sort of information that gets away from the typical and very usual FUD. Fear Uncertainty & Doubt that my industry often trades on to get sales. 

I rant a bit in this one; it is an issue we, collectively, don't spend enough time and energy on.

It is been commented in many online forums, that the scaring and very pushy what if? Isn't appreciated. I must admit I do not like it much either. Which is why I try and stay away from it and deal with the facts. 

Part of the reason people take longer to make decisions, but they do make better decisions as a result.

My point, while I do not trade on FUD, I certainly have some disturbing stories and stats. Some may look on the surface as FUD. They are based on the reality of you and me, the average person. 

The person getting on with life, family and business and gets knocked over with something unexpected and often unplanned for.

What’s this post all about?

It is about you, your health and how you can access treatment in a more effective way.

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Do you have medical insurance? Will it really work?

Do you have medical insurance? Will it really work?

Those that have been reading my blog and social posts on a regular basis will have seen I’ve got a particular bee in my bonnet about unfunded medicines. Partly driven from my view insurance advice needs to improve but also ensuring you have access to the best treatment possible when you really need it the most.

This blog article was updated and reposted here on the 3rd of October 2016. I have left this here for comparison purposes to show the impact of Sovereign's announcement on the 30th of September.

As I wrote in this article, unfunded medicines the real risk to you, if you’re a Southern Cross policy holder you have about a 6.3% risk that if you develop cancer you’ll have to find money to pay for your cancer treatment. If you’re with another provider who doesn’t have any contribution to your unfunded treatments, you’ll have a 15% chance you’ll have to contribute to your treatment.

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Managing your Medical Insurance Premiums - 2016

Managing your Medical Insurance Premiums  - 2016

One of the things that is often said, reported in the news, and generally complained about are the increasing costs of medical insurance.

We've heard about Southern Cross policyholders up in arms because of the premium increases they have seen. To be fair, all providers' premiums increase; Southern Cross has the biggest pool of clients and the oldest pool of clients, so increases do hit hard in that particular group.

This article has been updated here, and this one has been maintained for historical reference.

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