Most things in life tend to be a reaction after an event and what happens after is the 'cure'. It would be better if the event did not happen at all?
One theory is the food industry makes us sick so the drug industry can sell us a cure. It has been suggested but the evidence to support this is a challenge and in a complex world, it would be hard to prove.
Conspiracy theories aside, there are things we can do to improve our own lot. Eat fresh foods, reduce processed foods and exercise, are a few.
With our things, driving safely, securing our property and reducing opportunity for crime are others.
Which gets me to the point of this posting; the work Neighbourhood Support does in the community.
Recently after an appointment with a colleague in Greenlane, I was stopped in the car park by a police officer, no not for something I had done, but to raise awareness about vehicle crime. Specifically the theft of number plates from cars in car parks.
It is becoming more common for plates to be nicked to use in petrol station drive offs, cover up stolen cars and all manner of other illegal things. From what I understand, it is quite an issue, with around 400 cases of plate theft in public car parks in Auckland last year. That’s a whole lot of hassle for those affected. It is a common thing with cars on car yards too, though not so much something in your control.
What can you do about it?
The Neighbourhood Support team is doing car park 'drop in' centres to swap out the standard screws on your number plate with security screws. For a donation to raise funds for community support, you can get this done for you vehicle. The security screws, while not impossible to remove, will slow someone down who is looking to nick your plates, or prompt them to move on to somewhere else. A bit like the red 'club' in your steering wheel deters car theft.
Seems to be if it is not tied down, someone will try and walk off with it, make sure your stuff is tied down.
If you are interested in finding out more, you can here or give Avon a call on 09 815 9605
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