This is an area you often hear referred to as primary health care. The front line when you have a non-emergency health problem. This is also the first line you can insure with medical insurance. The question is whether you should insure for this.
What insurance does in this area, is reimburse you for the costs you incur as you go. There are a variety of approaches, the typical one is 80% of costs incurred up to an annual maximum per person.
With GP cover, people often have a feel good factor that their insurer is paying something for the premium they pay. People looking at medical cover often start with the view of having their GP & Prescription costs covered.
Nuts and bolts, our view is for the majority of people, focusing on good critical hospital cover is where you need to start. What we find with most client reviews, they pay more for their GP & Prescription cover than they ever claim, resulting in their GP expenses actually being higher than paying for it as they go.
If you are a high user and you regularly visit the GP, then it may be something to consider. If it is 1 family member who is a high user, then there are cover structure options that may be more appropriate than just piling the whole family into the same coverage. With a review of your situation, we can advise on the most appropriate approach for you.
Next - Dental & Optical costs